Information, Telecommunication and control

Information, Telecommunication and control

Information,  Telecommunication and  control systems engineering

The course will provide an education in information processing and communication technologies; students will also learn about the computers and networks that fulfill a central role in the rapidly developing IT revolution (Information Telecommunications Technology Revolution) This includes the fundamental technologies for processing, storing, and transmitting digital information through the internet and computers. In addition, the course will address the various systems that are made up of components such as the design of electronic circuits in semiconductor IC/VLSI, as well as the application of hardware and software to actualize devices. The course will develop leading engineers with extensive fundamental scholastic abilities and problem-solving abilities who have mastered the formulation of new theories, simulations, and advanced technologies to implement and improve hardware and application systems in order to plan technological progress and establish new processing methods and construction/design methods at each stage of development.


  • Image and Media Information Laboratory
  • Nonlinear Systems Engineering Laboratory
  • Spatial Image Media Laboratory
  • Signal Processing Application Laboratory
  • Neural Engineering Laboratory
  • Laboratory for Data Sequence Structure
  • Imaging and sensing system laboratory